Boosting your reward

InsureDAO adopts Curve finance's governnce contract sets. Same as Curve, you can boost your reward amount by locking your INSURE tokens.

Figuring out your required boost

The first step to getting your rewards boosted is to figure out how much INSURE you'll need to lock. All gauges have different requirements meaning some pools are easier to boost than others. It depends on how much others have locked and how much the liquidity gauge has.

You can find the calculator at this address:

Locking your INSURE

Once you know how much of veINSURE, visit the following page:

Enter the amount you want to lock and select your expiry. Remember locking is not reversible. The amount of veINSURE received will depend on how much and how long you lock for.

You can extend a lock and add INSURE to it at any point but you cannot have INSURE with different expiry dates.

After creating your lock, you will need to apply your boost.

Your boost will not be updated until you withdraw, deposit or claim from a liquidity gauge.

Last updated