⚖️Understanding INSURE

INSURE is the native token of InsureDAO. We distribute INSURE to get as many community members involved as possible in the InsureDAO governance.

Another purpose of INSURE distribution is to reward community members and incentivize them to deposit liquidity into insurance pools. As the insurance premiums are basically determined by the demand and supply of the insurance, more liquidity enables community members to purchase insurance at a lower premium.

We developed our native token & veINSURE system based off of Curve’s veCRV mechanism. Community members have an incentive for holding INSURE, as they can receive veINSURE, allowing community members to acquire voting power and boosting power, by locking their token to the voting escrow contract.

Additionally, a few per-cent of the insurance premium paid by the insurance purchaser will be used to incentivize tokenholders via buyback and burn.

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