
INSURE allocations

  • The total Supply for the first five years: 210 million

  • 40.40% of 210million β€” Community

  • 20.74% of 210million β€” Team with 3 years vesting

  • 0.45% of 210millionβ€” Advisors with 2 years vesting

  • 12.04% of 210million β€” Investors with 2 years vesting

  • 10.88% of 210million β€”Treasury(foundation)

  • 10.35% of 210millionβ€”Treasury(Community)

  • 3.15% of 210millionβ€” InsureDAO DeGenesis

  • 2.00% of 210million β€” Airdrop

Community allocation will be utilized to incentivize community members to deposit liquidity and participate in the mining programs. At the launch, we are planning to start two mining programs: The underwriting mining for insurance pools, and the liquidity mining program for INSURE/ETH pair on DEX such as Uniswap.

Foundation Treasury is a treasury that the team can utilize later as necessary. It is expected to be utilized for future fundraising, strategic partnerships, and other strategic uses.

Community Treasury is a treasury that is utilized by the Community DAO voting. At the launch moment, no specific use case is set so the community needs to decide how to utilize and what is the best use for the future of InsureDAO.

InsureDAO DeGenesis is the event to bootstrap initial liquidity for InsureDAO Reserve Pool and the first opportunity for users to get access to InsureDAO’s native token. There is an additional 10% bonus of the amount in INSURE each participant purchased for qualified users.

Airdrop is allocated to the community member who participated in the InsureDAO testnet campaign in 2021.

First 5 Years

The total Supply of INSURE for the first five years is 210 million. The allocation will be distributed to the community members over the course of 5 years. Team, advisors, and investors subject to 2–3 years vesting.

Treasuries for both foundation & community will be pre-mined at the launch. These treasures are not planned to be utilized from the outset but will be utilized gradually over time to expand the InsureDAO ecosystem.

After 5 years

Protocols without inflation won’t be able to incentivize community members and may fail to attract new talented DeFi users in the future. This may lead protocols to be trapped with existing token holders and fail to expand the ecosystem.

Therefore, we decide to keep the option for permanent inflation after 5 years. We will let the DAO decides whether to mint 2,800,000 tokens per-year since the 6th year. Even if the DAO chooses a permanent mint, we think that the buyback and burn will adjust the total supply and not cause extreme inflation.

Last updated