Reporting Fee


Certain percentage of the premium income is allocated to ReportingDAO. The percentage is determined by the CommunityDAO.

Allocated premium income will be divided into two kind of distribution method: Base Fee and Bonus Fee. This ratio is also determined by the CommunityDAO.

Base Fee

Fee in this method will be allocated to all reporting members evenly.

Bonus Fee

This method will allocate the fee based on the members contribution. Reporting members will be scored as follow:

Report/Analysis 10pt:

Every reporting member can either submit investigation report or analyse other's report.

First investigation report will be an initial report. Up coming reporter/analyzer need to express For or Against on the initial report. If against it will be against report as follow:

Validate 1pt:

Agree/Disagree on a report. No need to turn in any report.

Against Report 10pt:

When you believe the initial report has error, you can against on the report by turn in a new/analysis report. When the case is concluded as so, against reporter will acquire points, while the prior reporter/analyzer and validator will lose their points for the case.

Snapshot Voting 1pt:

There will be snapshot voting among ReportingDAO. This need to be passed for payout execution.

Bonus Fee allocation is executed by the CommunityDAO, and this is intended to be done every six month.

Who execute distribution?

For first couple terms, InsureDAO core team will tally the points and propose execution of distribution on the community forum. CommunityDAO decides if we actually make it happen or not.

CommunityDAO is InsureDAO's decision making group that consists of veINSURE holders.

For more detail, check below.

Allegation Fee

An investigation will be initiated when the ReportingDAO accepts a request. Acceptance of the request can be prioritized by paying the allegation fee.

Allegation fee directly goes to Bonus Fee, and the case's contribution point become 2x.

Allegation Fee amount is determined by the CommunityDAO.

Last updated